Monday, June 6, 2011

The Last Guardian Game Review

Here are some of the new Screen shots from the Game "The Last Guardian"

The Last Guardian

The Last Guardian Game Image 2

The Last Guardian Game Image 3

The Last Guardian image 5

The Last Guardian Image 6

The Last Guardian Game Image 6

The Last Gurdian Game Image 7

The Last Guardian Game Image 8

The Last Guardian Game Image 9

The Last Guardian Game Image 10

Here is what the Game Manufacturer says
  • Ultimate 32-player online combat experience featuring stunning high-definition visuals, advanced physics, ballistics, impact and destruction modeling
  • Rich interactive and destructible environments supporting multiple New Video Games types
  • Full support of the SIXAXIS wireless controller, offering greater control
  • Choice of playing as various International Special Forces
  • Advanced voice communication systems and immersive audio
I really like the Graphics and the story line behind the gameplay seems to be really cool and you should take a look at the Game Trailer to see what it looks like inside the Game... Hope everyone like it...

Here is the Game Trailer from the Sony E3 Press Conference for The Last Guardian...

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